Monday, January 9, 2012

Week 7: DQ2, Reflection, and Essay

DQ2: What subjects or topic areas should be included in leadership development programs in the public and private sectors? Why did you select these topics? Are leadership training programs today effective? Explain.

My response:
A topic area that I believe should be included is leadership mentoring as it would be beneficial to leadership development programs in both sectors.  Mentoring can benefit students as well as leaders alike.  As the mentoring increases the confidence and learning in the students, it also is a necessity for the leaders because leaders need followers (Precey & Entrena, 2011).  Through mentoring, leaders will also learn from the feedback of their students or trainee to enhance both skills and experience.  The students or trainees will also develop experiences and perspectives from the leader.  By using mentoring in a development program, the students will learn several scenarios and approaches in an active work-related session to enhance the theories that they have learned from their schooling.  The trainee will also benefit from asking questions to the mentor as well as evaluating team processes through their work. Through team experiences and feedback from the leader, the trainee will derive a wealth of information, and network benefits.  I think that there are some leadership training programs that might be more effective than others.  I believe that "the standardization of training" (Twehous et al, 1991, p. 109) will help these programs to exist and benefit trainees, but still depends on the industry so as to meet the required skills that are necessary in that workplace.


Precey, R., & Entrena, M. (2011). Developing the leaders we want to follow: Lessons from an international leadership development programme. Contemporary Management Quarterly / Wspólczesne Zarzadzanie, 270-83. 
Twehous, J., Groves, D. L., & Lengfelder, J. R. (1991). Leadership training: The key to an effective program. Social Behavior & Personality: An International Journal, 19(2), 109-120.

Reflection question: 
Post your reflection by creating a 150-200 word reflective statement describing how the week’s learning has affected your thought processes, development, and professional disposition. This statement should be a forum for you to reflect on your personal learning process, challenges, moments of discovery, life experiences, readings, and interactions. Ideally, you will use these statements throughout the course and the program to document your own development as a scholar, practitioner, and leader, and to reflect critically on the changes that occur during this process.
My response:
In this week, I have learned that there are different perspectives of what emotional intelligence (EI) is.  In my own research, I have found that it involves the ability to understand other’s emotions and behaviors as well as my own.  In other responses, I have learned that it can involve a self-awareness and social skills.  EI is actively in the organization I work in but it is not always positively reinforced.  I also believe that mentoring should be further utilized in leadership development programs in both the public and private sectors.  The process can be informative to both the leader as well as the followers.  In my essay and self-assessments, I have also learned some things about myself.  I found that I have leadership power in legitimate, expert, and referent areas and leadership styles in my concern for people and tasks equally.  I am on my way towards using transformational leadership more effectively in my organization.

(Note: has not been graded yet.)